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A Guaranteed Way to Think Clearer


Start journaling. 


Writing allows you to examine your thoughts as if you were a stranger. Reviewing your writing allows you to challenge and improve your thinking. 


The list of people who practiced the art of journaling speaks for itself: Seneca, Anne Frank, Ben Franklin, Marcus Aurelius, Queen Victoria. Leonardo Da Vinci did not go anywhere without his notebook. 


Journaling does not have to mean doing it habitually, although it may. It does not have to mean writing down every thought you have, although this is beneficial. It does not mean doing it every single day, although you should. Journaling means that instead of trying to organise your thoughts in your head, you organise them on a piece of paper.


Journals are not for the reader, they're for the writer. They slow your mind down. They allow you to find peace amongst your thoughts. They bring clarity to your thinking. 


Instead of carrying baggage and unanswered questions around in our heads, we put them on paper. Instead of having questions and assumptions go unanswered, we put them down and force ourselves to examine them. 


Journaling allows you to get something off your chest. To have quiet time with your thoughts. To find clarity in your thoughts. To separate the harmful and identify the powerful. 


How you journal does not matter. What matters, is that you do. 

I'm producing more content just like this. Short and actionable ideas aimed at helping you improve your work and your life. 


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