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Run On Your Birthday



The most important run you'll do all year is the one on your birthday. 


Your birthday is the one day that truly belongs to you. Other people have the same birth date as you, but they're usually not close to you. Your birthday is for you.


You're the centre of attention. Even if you don't love it, as many people don't, there are parts of it which you enjoy. It feels good to feel important and loved.


So, why is your birthday the most important day to run?


Because it's the day where you have the most reasons not to. It's the one day where you're not expected to do anything. 


You're excused for not running on your birthday. You don't even have to make the excuses - they're made for you! This is exactly why you should run.


If you can do it on your birthday, you can do it on any other day. If you can do it despite being handed a reason not to, you remove the power of all the excuses you may try to use in the future.  


Running on one day - your birthday - makes it easier to run on the other 364. This is how you leverage your habits. Leveraging your habits means that by using a small amount of willpower on one day, you make it easier to stick to your habits every other day. 


Once you realise that your daily habits dictate where you'll be in 3-5 years from now, effectively leveraging your habits becomes a powerful tool to have in your habit toolbox.


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